Blog for TransformAction: Digital Transformation + Action

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Data centers and their impact on business continuity.

At present, one of the most relevant components in the global telecommunications ecosystem is data centers, better known as Datacenters. But what is ...

Key Factors for Choosing Cloud Solutions for Your Company

Latin America still faces a digital gap in the business sector that needs to be bridged to achieve higher levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and ...

Good cybersecurity practices in companies

As we get more connected to one another, both companies and people, it is very common to share information such as personal data, photographs, ...

A basic guide to cybersecurity in remote work

There are some risks embedded in the remote work modality that can directly affect the computer security of any company. In an environment like the ...

Learn the best practices to increase network security

So far this year, AV-TEST (German independent research institute for computer security) has managed to identify just over a billion different ...

The importance of information

Many people have told you that information is essential for the continuity of your business? Have you read in hundreds of articles how vital it is to ...

Myths and truths about data: how to build trust in your clients

Let´s start with an important premise: In the presence of two products or services with similar characteristics, user will choose the one that he ...

Safe remote worker: Avoid jeopardizing your company

Changes taking place in our present days might have caught some companies a little bit off guard, however, considering that those changes are here to ...

Digital ecosystems: What are they, and how are they created?

Technology allows the market to diversify not only at the level of platforms and devices but also in ways of interacting with customers. Internet ...

Learn how to make decisions in the digital transformation

The need for digitally transforming the companies has created a new responsibility over the management levels, because in the current market, ...

Cloud Databases: What Are the Advantages?

Today you don’t need a High-Performance-Computing system or thousands of servers to store or process your company’s data. No matter what type of ...

Cloud Tools: The cultural change your business requires

The current market situation has forced companies to accept an imminent change. The digitization of processes is no longer something of a ...

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