Blog for TransformAction: Digital Transformation + Action

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What is 5G and what are the uses of this technological network?

The next step in the evolution of wireless cellular technology is called 5G. It is expected to start operating in Colombia soon. What should you know ...

Do You Know How to Choose Internet for Your Business?

If you're looking for internet for your business, it's important to know the different available options and their features. In this article, we'll ...

A basic guide to cybersecurity in remote work

There are some risks embedded in the remote work modality that can directly affect the computer security of any company. In an environment like the ...

Learn the best practices to increase network security

So far this year, AV-TEST (German independent research institute for computer security) has managed to identify just over a billion different ...

What is Ethernet?

From ancient Greece to the mid-twentieth century, physicists and philosophers thought that light traveled through an elastic, passive, invisible, and ...

Types of Computer Networks

Networks are part of the proper functioning of companies. Every day we use them for everything, from printing a document to connecting remotely to ...

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