Safe remote worker: Avoid jeopardizing your company

Juan David Aranzazu Henao
Changes taking place in our present days might have caught some companies a little bit off guard, however, considering that those changes are here to stay it is necessary to create and organize new game rules that permit the remote worker, as well as the company to be fully confident about the processes that lead them to the achievement of objectives.
Likewise, the challenges of this new reality demand the best decisions to ensure your business safety, this is because it is possible that by having the slightest carelessness you may be jeopardizing all your organization, but do not despair, here we will provide you with some key factors to consider so you can successfully perform remote working.
To that end, we will start by creating a handbook defining remote working conditions, keeping company´s vulnerable data cybersecurity high while the productivity of the collaborators continues to be exemplary.
What is a remote working policy and how can it be implemented?
It is a decision-making guide in which it is intended to document every possible aspect around any given specific situation, such as teleworking in this case.
The idea here, is that you be able to keep the effectiveness of your company, even when either your employees have migrated from your office to their homes, or when part of the operation is still on site.
Roles and permission at telework
You might begin by creating a role and permission list in order to identify which collaborators have the possibility of teleworking and which ones should be constantly at the office. This information may also be very useful for the human resources area as well as for talent management, because it will expand the range of options by creating new job vacancies;
Apps and accessibility to work from home
Add to your policies the apps and devices your collaborators should have access to when working from their homes and also add the process they will have to follow in order to use them, either corporative equipment that they might take home, remote access through VPN or cloud tools.
Safety and contingency route when teleworking
Tell your collaborators which are the risks immersed in teleworking, especially when they use networks which are not necessary corporative ones (even devices that are not previously set for business use), this is because it is very likely to suffer cybernetic attacks to steal information that may create a serious reputational damage.
Due to threats are increasingly recurrent and the modalities vary very much, to the point that every month new type of cybernetic attacks are created, you will require training programs,
During the training, teach them how to avoid being a victim of a cyberattack, but at the same time, train them to react once the cyberattack has been successfully completed. Explain them how to avoid its spreading and which are the measures they most take to mitigate the risk of recurrence.
A good way of coping with a cyberattack is having a contingency route, you may consult a model we have created for support teams. Create a fully personalized one that be adjusted to your busines needs.
Ensuring access to information improves the productivity of a remote worker
We can summarize this section in only 2 words. Backup files.
The information your organization stores is the whole operational business foundation, for that, backups are crucial, besides being one of the main aspects about cybersecurity you must cover during teleworking.
Our advice is that you go for broke to a good cloud solutions provider, because once the information is on the cloud, you will be able to guarantee its permanent accessibility, no matter the time, place, or device it is requested from.
Aa matter of fact, at InterNexa you can get this type of service that can be easily mixed with cybersecurity solutions, allowing you to have a full package so you can properly manage the information. Click here if you want to know more!
It is crucial to bee up-to-date about new cybersecurity threats.
Cybersecurity has always been a priority for us, and because of that being updated about new cyberattacks modalities is one of our best strategies to avoid jeopardizing the company.
Be aware! Not only the Adware, but the Watering Hole are modalities that are currently growing stronger and damages caused to the business can be very extensive. Get to know more here.
Now that you know the basic criteria to avoid jeopardizing your company by implementing safe remote workers, get together with your area leaders and start to define the necessary activities to guarantee a clear remote working policy, have full availability of resources and be ready against any cybernetic threat.