Adaptive leadership: How to successfully lead remotely

Sandra Avila López

Sandra Avila López

In recent years, as a society, we have faced multiple technological, social, and environmental changes, one of them driven by the Covid-19 pandemic: remote work. Initially implemented as a temporary and emergency measure, remote work has now become the norm for many organizations.
Many companies have abandoned the traditional office model, shifting their entire operation into the digital realm and creating strategies to enable remote work modes to maintain their teams' productivity. However, transitioning from office to home office is not enough to ensure a business's operation. It's also necessary to have a team capable of facing the challenges of remote work and a leader who can adapt and support their team from a distance. Below, we share a series of key factors to keep in mind if you want to efficiently lead your team remotely, making a positive and transformative impact on each of its members.




Manifesto for leading remotely

Before diving into the key recommendations, we want to present a manifesto as a foundation for the leadership strategies you may want to implement: Leading remotely or in person involves precisely the same objectives; only the mechanisms to achieve them may vary. It might even require you to develop different skills while leaving behind those that hinder change and impede your development as a leader. Despite the distance, you must continue to assess and constantly review group objectives, compliance, speed, effective communication, and the bond between your team members.


Effective and accurate communication is paramount

RTo maintain work efficiency and pace, it's essential to establish communication channels within the team and with the cell leader, all with the aim of cultivating and strengthening trust bonds that enable early detection of potential obstacles. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure an official means of communication for everyone and schedule regular meetings to track pending tasks and the team's progress toward its objectives.



Set performance standards

Whether in the office or at home, work should always have defined objectives and clear performance standards for each team member. To evaluate group results, it's crucial to have clear rules, with each member fully aware of their contribution to the group's goals.


Don't forget to lead with individuality

Remember that each member of your team possesses unique qualities and abilities. A good leader, therefore, constructs their leadership strategy based on the individuality of each member, making it easier to identify situations or specific areas where your team may require more support or guidance.



Promote a collaborative culture

Direct your team toward collaborative work, always emphasizing the concept of the team and including yourself as a part of it. Avoid fostering highly competitive environments by consistently reminding everyone that group results translate into mutual benefits through shared objectives.

Strengthen Your Team's Bonds

Strengthen the relationships between each team member and the organization itself. When working from home, it's easy to disconnect from coworkers and, consequently, from the company itself. Therefore, it's essential to continuously share company information with them. Additionally, regularly celebrate each team member's achievements to remind them that their work benefits the project's operation and positively impacts their colleagues' work. Of course, don't forget to celebrate important dates like birthdays or anniversaries. These activities strengthen communication bridges with each team member and maintain high levels of morale and productivity.

Feedback is the foundation of teamwork

An efficient team is always striving for continuous improvement. For this reason, it's essential for its leader to be available and willing to provide constant feedback, highlighting each positive aspect of teamwork, the value of each team member's work, and what new goals should be set to surpass their current achievements.

Remote work can be a challenge for every team member.
In conclusion, asking the right questions is necessary. Here are some recommendations to help you evaluate yourself and make the necessary adjustments to ensure the success of your remote leadership:
Does your team have a solid foundation of trust, respect, and collaboration among its members? Does your team know how to work remotely without affecting its productivity? Are your company's collaborative tools (Internet, shared platforms, etc.) optimal for your virtual teams? Do you have secure networks to prevent data theft when your team is using their own internet connections?
If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Remember that with InterNexa, you will always have a team of expert professionals ready to support your business's digital transformation.

Sandra Avila López

Sandra Avila López

Psychologist and Coach with over twenty years of regional experience (Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador) in Human Resources, Communications, Cultural Transformation in Digitalization and Innovation. In companies in the Financial, Telecommunications, Stock Exchange, and Service sectors. Holding managerial positions focused on strategically supporting business outcomes through the development of processes related to: Development, Culture, Knowledge Management, Performance Management, Succession, Potential, Selection, Organizational Climate, Calibration, Competencies, Social Well-being, Safety and Health, and Compensation. Driving, developing, and enhancing cultural transformation within organizations.