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Cloud Databases: What Are the Advantages?

Written by Jorge Ignacio Gomez | Jun 5, 2023 9:58:36 PM

Today you don’t need a High-Performance-Computing system or thousands of servers to store or process your company’s data.

No matter what type of database you have, cloud services offer flexible and faster resources to manage and process your information.

Cloud databases have several advantages. The most important one is the fact of having virtual servers and computers available all the time to fit your needs. You only pay for the services you use and scale as your business grows. For this reason, you don’t need a massive investment to get started.

For instance, you can use cloud computing to run open-source Big Data frameworks without worrying about hardware requirements. In the cloud, you control the resources you have. You can start using a small amount of them and then shift to advance features.

Besides those reasons, there are more advantages to use cloud computing. In this article, we will explain some of them.


If you’re reading this, you probably need to store and process massive volumes of data. Big Data frameworks like Hadoop or Spark can help you to achieve that goal. However, if you already have computing resources in your company and want your business to keep growing, the best way to run those frameworks is in the cloud. Cloud computing provides you with the capability you need paying for the resources you use.


It’s so much easier to start or stop instances with a few clicks than to worry about managing servers, cables, or maintenance. The advantage of cloud databases is that you can change your resources without buying expensive equipment that you don’t know if they will meet your needs. In the cloud, you have a machine available in seconds with enough capabilities for your project.

Save money

Another cloud database advantage is how easy you can allocate resources, deploy, or install applications. If you are not using a resource, you turn it off, and that’s it. You don’t lose money buying a super machine that you will not use again, and you never be run out of resources.


Cloud databases create a digital ecosystem to control not only the resources you use but also the location of the servers. Therefore, you can manage dynamic software and hardware that provide you with the information you need to make effective decisions. Consequently, you integrate and process the data controlling even the smallest detail of computing requirements.


Without a doubt, the most important advantage of cloud databases is their high availability. It doesn’t matter if you have an office or not. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are. It doesn’t matter from which device you connect. With cloud databases, you can access your information whenever you want. Being always available also means accessing a reliable and secure service, which you can use when you need it.

As you can see, the cloud offers you unlimited virtual storage and processing capacity. You can deploy a use case with little data and increase according to the need of your business.