Internexa News

InterNexa and MinTIC announced a new agreement to connect 62,000 homes in the departments of Chocó, Nariño, Cauca, and Antioquia.

Written by InterNexa | Jul 5 2024


    • The agreement is part of the Connectivity to Change Lives program, developed by the MinTIC together with InterNexa, which seeks to bring connectivity to 175 municipalities in six departments that have a connectivity penetration of less than 12% in order to continue closing the digital divide.  

  • The agreement will connect 62 thousand homes hand in hand with Internet Service Providers and will focus on 32 municipalities located in the departments of Chocó, Nariño, Cauca and Antioquia.

Bogotá, July 4, 2024. InterNexa and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications announced, from Domingodó, the officialization of a new agreement that seeks to bring connectivity to the most remote places in the country.

InterNexa and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications announced, from Domingodó, the officialization of a new agreement that seeks to bring connectivity to the most remote places in the country.

On this occasion, the project will connect 62 thousand homes hand in hand with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and will have its initial focus in 32 municipalities, 28 of them in Chocó, two in Nariño, one in Cauca and one more in Antioquia, within which stand out: Acandí, Alto Baudó, Atrato, Bahía Solano, Bajo Baudó, Bojayá, Carmen Del Darién, Cértegui, Condoto, Istmina, Nuquí, San Andrés De Tumaco, Francisco Pizarro and Timbiquí.


 "With this agreement, InterNexa will continue working together with the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications and the actors of the sector in favor of closing the digital gaps in the country, so that technology and especially the connectivity infrastructure, are configured as tools for the construction of a better country and allow us to realize our higher purpose which is to build a digitally human world.", commented Arbey Gómez Urbano, General Manager of InterNexa".

This agreement is part of the Connectivity to Change Lives program developed by the Ministry in which InterNexa works contributes from its experience and knowledge to bring connectivity, hand in hand with ISPs, to the Colombian Pacific region and La Guajira, reaching 6 departments: Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Chocó, Antioquia (Urabá Region) and La Guajira, which intends to benefit 175 municipalities, which have a connectivity penetration of less than 12%.


About InterNexa:

INTERNEXA is a company with more than 20 years of experience delivering connectivity solutions, especially in urban and intercity fiber optics, in wholesale model, to provide network infrastructure and datacenter.

InterNexa is a mixed economy society of the national order with a public participation of the State of more than 50% through ISA, today part of the Ecopetrol Group.


More information for the press:

Silvia Cabal, Brand and Relationship, InterNexa, Cellular: 3133910462

Fernando Gómez, Modum, Manager, Cell: 3013370309

Nelson Poveda, Modum, Senior Consultant, Cell: 3043914632

Ana Sofia Alvarado, Modum, Junior Consultant, Cell: 3209640450