Cloud Tools: The cultural change your business requires

Jorge Ignacio Gomez
The current market situation has forced companies to accept an imminent change. The digitization of processes is no longer something of a technological transformation that is in store for the future; it is a change that each business must undertake now.
And it is that in times of contingency and atypical market demands, the need for cloud tools lies in the agility they provide, responding in a matter of seconds to the request for services by users, making them the optimal response to our reality.
However, the migration to these cannot happen overnight, but its process is something that you can start today.
How to start the movement to cloud tools
Before beginning any cloud service, you must evaluate current business requirements without losing sight of the organizational culture to guarantee ownership through training, awareness of Cloud, and its advantages. Also, it will be essential to reinforce those processes and functionalities that can change.
Resistance to change
Bumping into resistance on the part of employees during the transition to the change phase is entirely reasonable. Still, you must know how to mitigate it to avoid losing talent or the overload of tensions in the work team.
Its resistance is because, with the migration towards new technologies and the implementation of new work methods, it is possible that if some processes adapt, there will be others that must completely transform or disappear from the organization.
This sudden change that the current market requires of us implies that each profile must be trained and adapted to new processes, nor is it necessary to focus on radical decisions.
For employees whose operations can transform, it is vital to generate the appropriation of cloud solutions to allow them to develop their careers and project them within the company.
It’s time to assess cloud migration
At this point in the movement, you should identify business drivers, key functionality factors, speed of deployment, and cost factors, all to classify them into levels of importance and assign them a priority for the business.
This process can be carried out simultaneously with the training of your staff, so when the training cycle matures, the company will already have a defined route to change.
Evaluate the different alternatives, adapt your requirements to the environments, applications, and security levels presented by the market, seeking to keep your policies firm in the new working model that you are implementing.
Remember! The virtualization of the processes does not mean you should give up the security of the company.
Confirm possible changes in the organization
The IT area is the one that most needs to evolve with new cloud tools, so it will be necessary to design an adequate structure for your government. Besides, it will be of vital importance that you enable communication channels so that the team can transmit its new set of expectations.
Do not forget that training is the cornerstone of this process, so in these communication channels, you can regularly disseminate the courses and training available so that the team will have constant support in the process of transformation and adaptation to their new roles, processes, and skills.
Factors that enhance change
Take advantage of this list to make the transition to cloud tools more friendly through appropriation. They will serve as a summary of this article, and at the same time, they will keep you with a defined horizon:
- Communicate the strategy of appropriation of new tools and their importance for the business
- Encourages the generation of ideas by keeping communication channels open
- Facilitates learning in the organization to retain the talent available
- Encourages collaboration to keep work teams together
- Decentralize the influence and commitment of the upper echelon
- Confirm to all your collaborators that anyone can be a driver of change.
- See for positive leadership. As Alyson Clarke states, “A bad culture will do more to impede progress than any other factor.”
About the benefits of cloud tools
We dared to make a small comparison between traditional tools and Cloud tools that will help you to clarify all your doubts about the advantages of migration to process virtualization.
Finally, do not forget that the key to all transformation is in alliances, so try to have a trusted partner that offers you robust support and the ability to meet all your requests without affecting the security of your company.
At InterNexa, we have a wide range of specialists who can help you with this process, as well as the custom services you require to evolve your business towards the demands of the current market.

Jorge Ignacio Gomez
Information technology specialist with more than 20 years of experience in operation, engineering, architecture, data center, networks, security, Cloud, marketing and sales, leading teams and transversally for innovation and digital transformation of businesses. I contribute to society through teaching IT, Security, Cloud and Datacenter.