There are some risks embedded in the remote work modality that can directly affect the computer security of any company. In an environment like the one we are currently going through, in which this type of work has increased in the last two weeks, it is better to take into account the following recommendations.
The entire planet is migrating to remote work, and because many work teams had to face this modality, as the only way to maintain the operation of each company, it is essential to find alternatives for the training of personnel.
That is why we want to share with you some ideas that will help you implement this knowledge about cybersecurity with your collaborators.
Provide them with a maximum of 1 hour a week where they can acquire new knowledge about the importance of computer security.
Cybersecurity does not only concern to your employees, it is also essential that these habits stay present in all the members of their family who are well-known about digital platforms.
Share with them our Cyberminoes game , a pdf document that they can download, cut and play as a family under the same rules of dominoes. At the time they play, they can put into practice basic knowledge of computer information.
You can send tests to their inboxes, or even surveys to validate the learning acquired.
One of the most effective strategies is to send suspicious emails, duly prepared so that your employees classify them as spam or phishing. This way, you will keep them alert to possible threats.
Do not allow learning to be limited only to webinars or tests. You can use your company’s social networks to post tips that serve to remind the company’s cybersecurity policies.